A Bit About Myself...
I am a natural born mother. I do not mean that in the sense that I am great at being one, just that I have always felt compelled to "mother" the world. As my five children grow older, I have decided to create another outlet to fulfill my desire to care for others. But first...
Going Back...
After high school, I went directly into nursing school. I worked as a Registered Nurse for years; until I chose to step aside and focus on our growing family, as well as our growing business. We have a blended family and we built a sales company from the ground up, so we know a thing or two about chaos. Children grow up and need their Mom less and less, which is so incredibly bittersweet. Over the years, we have acquired a great team of employees, so I found work taking up less of my time as well.
Fast Forward to Today...
With our children continually growing more and more independent and our business taking up less of my time, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to get back to what I feel I was born to do...help others. The stars aligned and it was the perfect time to build a support network for our community.
A Non Profit is Born...
My husband, Nate, and I recognize that we are extremely blessed; not just in business, but also health, happiness, and the unwavering support of our family and friends. To share the love, we have always donated when we can to various charities, missions, non profit organizations, and schools; as well as crowd funded situations and individuals in times of need. I thought, why not start a non profit organization to do the things that we already do, but on a much larger scale? Therefore, Phases Family Support was born.
Crawling Before We Walk...
We are new to this non profit business; please give us grace as we learn and grow. If you would like to learn more about our mission, or if you feel compelled to donate to our organization; we would greatly appreciate your generosity. Whether it be your donation, your time, or your expertise; please consider contacting us. If you or someone you know has fallen on hard times and could use assistance, please reach out today.
Stay tuned, big things are coming our way!
With Sincerity and Love,
Michele Haakonson